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Ancient Rome Unit

Roman Project

The Roman project was a project that 2 partners would work on together. After we have learned about the topic we choose we would research information about the topic. Then we would create a project about the topic. The topic was some type of innovation that improved the Roman Empire. Mine was walls and bridges. This project helped us get prepared for our test. This test not only was multiple choice but also a essay. One topic was innovation in which we could use our knowledge from our project to help us with the test. 

Roman City-Video

 The Roman city video was a video based on how Rome was built, their religion, and many others. The video came with a worksheet that has many questions that reflect the video. Not only does the worksheet reflect the video but contain the important facts from the video that can be in the test. The worksheet was used for notes as well as a grade. Many students like me went back to the worksheet for notes on the topic we were learning about. 

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